I am running for a second term on the Board of Education because I have spent the majority of my career advocating for and advancing the cause of public education. I bring my passion, experience and leadership skills to the Board of Education. In my first term I have been elected to serve as a Board officer for 3 of the 4 years I have been on the Board. First, serving as Vice President then twice elected as President of the Board of Education by my fellow Board members. I have a proven track record of bringing my colleagues together to help build a successful future for all of our children. Under my leadership we are tackling the big issues that are obstacles to achieving a world class education for each and every student. Our opportunity gap has been worsened by the pandemic and it is more important now than ever to ensure that opportunities are made available on an equitable basis. I am a strong community advocate and a dedicated volunteer with several education programs in the county. Together, let’s fulfill the promise of MCPS for all our students, with proven leadership, deep passion and a relentless pursuit of excellence. I believe we can and we must prepare every student for their future.
Experience - Leadership - Community Advocate
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